Boeing Stearman biplane, powered by a 450hp Pratt & Whitney engine.
Two sister ships..
300HP Lycoming & HS constant speed prop, etc.
This modified Stearman performed the flights from South Africa to England and from England to Australia.
This is a 360HP version with a fuel injected Jacobs engine, constant speed prop and 4-aileron system installed. A classic 1920s luxury ship...


Powerered by 450 HP Pratt& Whithney

The original 220/225 HP Continental/Lycoming versions..

Another Stearman, powered by a Jacobs engine with fuel injection system

R985 installation with new engine, prop, oil and fuel system, etc.
Jacobs R-755 engine with fuel injection

Continental W670 engine turning a McCauley prop


rudder pedals of another Stearman in restoration, which will be "actively used
" during future takeoff and landings...

Inside a new fuselage

The setup of new wings, with the 4-aileron system installed...

After final assembly struts and flying wires are keeping the Stearman wings in place and making it one of the strongest airframes ever built.

The central part of another project ... around this pilots control-stick a Stearman Racing plane had been built. It is a model 1938, heavily modified in the 50s and 60s, and now one of our current restorations...
The powerplant for this racing biplane:

A P&W R1340 engine driving a 3-bladed constant speed prop...

Our first Stearman in the 80's...